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Why do Leaves Turn Red in the Fall?

Myth or Science? by Sandy Swegel Because the Wind told them they were naked and they turned red with embarrassment. There’s a Native American story that says it’s because hunters in the sky killed the Great Bear and his blood spills on the trees. (When the hunters cooked the bear, fat from the pot spilled […]

Taking Care of the Bees and other Creatures this Fall

Planting Flowers for the Bees What’s your favorite flower this year?  That’s the question our local gardening magazine posed to its readers this issue.  Many candidates came to mind, but I realized my criteria in Fall for a good flower is one that blooms late to feed the bees and other pollinators that are still […]

Fall Leaves: They Aren’t Just Pretty

Your Garden Loves Leaf Mold! Get ready to collect some manna from heaven!  Leaf mold is one of the best amendments a gardener can add to the garden.  And it’s super easy to make and free:  All you need is leaves and time.  Create a leaf pile somewhere it won’t blow away but will get […]